Psychology Course
Kind Hearts, Kind Words, Kind Actions Will Yield Good Rewards 12/2024
Joyous Family, Blissful Happiness Psychology Workshop 10/2024
Full of Blessings 08/2024
Head Towards Goodness, Life Full Of Warmth 06/2024
Superstar 04/2024
Blossom of Fortune 01/2024
Harvest 11/2023
Breakthrough 09/2023
Purify Your Soul Enlighten Your True Self 07/2023
Spiritual Leadership 12/2019
Spiritual Leadership 10/2019
Spiritual Leadership 09/2019
Healthy Living Psychology Workshop
Full Of Happiness 07/2019
Spiritual Leadership 06/2019
Spiritual Leadership 05/2019
Rebuild Happiness (Brunei) 04/2019
Satisfactory 04/2019
Spiritual Leadership 03/2019
Grateful To The Power Of Love 01/2019
Transformation 11/2018
Spiritual Leadership 10/2018
Spiritual Leadership 09/2018
Spiritual Leadership 06/2018
Spiritual Leadership 05/2018
VisionZambia 7
VisionZambia 6
VisionZambia 5
VisionZambia 4
VisionZambia 3
VisionZambia 2
Derived from similar courses that are widely popular in European countries, America and Taiwan, the psychology course aims to cleanse the mind from emotional "pollution" and to excavate true happiness and self-values. In the 1995 year since this course was conducted, many people at the brink of collapse, even families trapped in an emotional dead-zone were rejuvenated. In our society, the pursuing of self-indulged fulfillment often ended up in defeat. As a result, some people get pulled into a deep mental void. The minds become heavily knotted without any means of untangling it, and after sometime, these emotional pains could transcend into physical symptoms. Our aim in this course is to tab into these repressed emotions. Through forgoing some mental rigidity and misgivings, we can, at the end of the day, discover wisdom.
On the surface, the Psychology Course seems unrelated to the MLM business, but in fact it is quite the opposite. Our colleagues who are long-term students in the course, have demonstrated not only a happiness in their family, body and soul, but a strong and healthy mind that enabled them to take on any challenge, obstacle or defeat in their career.
Seiketsu successfully held its first ever 4-day 3-night Healthy Living Psychology Workshop from the 22 nd to 25 th of August 2019 at the luxurious D’Villa in Janda Baik away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Surrounded by lush greenery, fresh cool air and the occasional chorus of insects, the villa offered the ideal getaway for unwinding and introspection. Careful thoughts in crafting this place were evident everywhere, from the spaciousness of the two-storey building, the tastefully decorated interior, the manicured garden to the pond with fish, ducks, geese and beautiful lotus flowers a short distance from the main building. The beautiful and serene environment lulled everyone into a deep state of relaxation which unlocked one’s healing power to the max!!
Participants got to enjoy the healthy meals and snacks specially prepared by our internal family members amidst the peaceful environment. Using only organic vegetables and free-range meat as ingredients, the dishes were not only colourful to look at, but were healthy and delicious.
During their free time, the participants either sat around chatting over tea or retreated to a quiet corner to meditate. The tranquil environment made it easy to relax and organise one’s thoughts. After four days of mental detox and recharging, everyone returned to their daily routine charged with positive energy as they got ready to create a better tomorrow! Participants were full of praise for the event and had expressed their desire to join the next retreat.!
Dear Vivien,
How wonderful to hear from you, that you have weathered the storm that was Covid and your company is still doing well - well enough to once again make such a generous donation of GBP47,836.64 to VisionZambia, and therefor to the community of Linda compound in Zambia.
Honestly, your giving touches us so much. I hope you will have seen the facebook pictures and the website catch up when Jeff and I visited Zambia for the first time in 3 years in February of this year. The secondary school block with four classrooms, a teaching staff room, staff toilets and storage space is now complete and the school is thriving. All this is in large part due to you and your group, how you have contributed over the years so that we could embark on such a large infrastructure project.
We have also been in a position to guarantee to the school and the hospice that we can continue to fund them at the same level through to the end of 2024. We have all seen how uncertainty affects business negatively, so this gives them the stability and certainty to function efficiently. We hope to be able to support a skills centre at the school so that the students who are graduating can continue to learn and find employment, contributing to their community in turn.
Of course we will send a receipt for your records.
Our family is doing well thank you, and we hope the same for you all there. As you say, life is great without the pandemic.
With gratitude and affection from us all,
Chair, VisionZambia
我们非常感谢您的慷慨捐赠,以支持 LINDA 学校的中学教室建设,并希望让您看到您所捐赠的为我们做了什么。
受托人在 6 月底到访,并找到和委任了一名工程经理及建筑商,且于 7 月达成签约。附件中的照片显示自 8 月份建筑工程开始以来的进度,预计在 14 周内完成。这意味着学校可以在 2019年 1 月开始为 10年级开班。您可以看到进展很快,屋顶现在已经开始内部抹灰,电流和门窗是下一个阶段。DOREEN NZILA 校长被您的慷慨所打动,因为这使她能够实现对 LINDA 学校学生的中学梦想。我们预计这项工程将提前完成。SUE 和 JEFF ALLEN 在10月份到访卢萨卡时将能启用这座建筑。
我们在 VISIONZAMIA 网站(https://visionzambia.charitycheckout.co.uk/cf/A-Secondary-School-for-Linda ) 上展示我们的中学活动,我们将继续筹集资金来装备教室并为新中学生提供奖学金。
当 SUE 和 JEFF ALLEN 访问新建筑时,我会再次与您联系。
Ghika Savva
Project Manager, UK
Dear Vivien,
Thanks to the generous funding from you and your team, Jeff and I were privileged to be at the opening for the new classroom block at Linda Community School on October 29. This was a big celebration for the school, and I hope you have seen some of the pictures on facebook or perhaps on our website. I attach a few more here.
The headteacher Doreen Nzila is thrilled that there will be secondary students starting in January 2019. This is the first secondary school in the whole community, and it gives hope to so many. It means there will be fewer young people on the streets without education, and there will be more young people with skills to contribute and reach their potential.
You and your group have truly made a big difference in this precious corner of the world, and I hope you feel that we at VisionZambia have fulfilled your trust in us. Please let me know if you want any more information from us that you can share with your team.
With gratitude and love from our group to your group,
Vison Zambia
Dear Vivien,
我刚从Zambia的Linda社区回来,并想向您在二月份20号为Vision Zambia所做的慷慨礼物表达谢意。
在Lusaka我亲眼看到,您的支持对Linda学校里的学生所带来的不同。十年级的第一班将在一月开课,有55位学生已经抓住这个改善前景的好机会。就读于10年级到12年级的学生将有机会继续升上学院和获得更好的工作机会。我们已经开始颁发奖学金,上个星期我也遇到了第一批学生并且听了他们的故事。其中一位叫Emanuel的跟我说,他和另外11位小孩住在阿姨家,他也通过做一天35kw的计件工作获得了900 kw的收入来作为九年级的学费。非常感动听到这些孩子为获得教育所做的努力,我们通过提供他们的支持让他们的生活更轻易。我正在整理一段视频以向您显示Linda现在所发生的一切以及您的礼物如何为这个社区带来改变。同时,我将附上一张我上个星期拍的中学建筑照片和收据给您。
Ghika Savva
Project Manager, UK
T+44 (0) 7503 186801
感恩您的慷慨解囊,我附上了一张您最近捐献给Vision Zambia的收据。因为有您的帮助,我们格外专注在建立中学以便保证小孩子们的未来。班主任Doreen,告诉我们中学教育能让小孩子们有能力获得一份工作以及建立一个属于自己的未来,而不会再游手好闲。您在2018年的所有捐款让我们可以建立课室给Grade10和11的学生们。今年,我们计划将您的捐款建立更多的课室,其中包括迫切需要的Grade12课室。
Ghika Savva Project Manager, UK T+44 (0) 7503 186801
在此我代表Vision Zambia向您介绍我是新的管理员。
Sue Allen告诉我您对我们慈善机构所做出的所有贡献。我们会谨记于心,也衷心感谢您对正在进行中的新学校扩建的资助。
Sue and Jeff Allen再次衷心感谢您,我们会很快与您联系并提供最新资讯。
Janinka Diverio
Hi again Vivien, We confirm that the donation has arrived into the bank account, and we now attach the receipt document. Please let me know if there is anything else you require. Meanwhile, please give your group our grateful thanks again. If they wish to see more, there is the website: www.visionzambia.co.uk and also a Facebook page called VisionZambia. We appreciate your trust in us, and we give you our full intention that the funds will be used for maximum benefit of the community in Linda, near Lusaka Zambia. With our love and blessings for a very happy Christmastime,
Sue, on behalf of VisionZambia trustees
Sue Allen